Friday, September 25, 2009

A Street Car Named Desire

The perfect storm of personality and tragedy come together in A Streetcar Named Desire.

What was the cause of Blanche's downfall? How did she become the was she is? What about Stella? Both of these sisters grew up with privilege in the Old South. They were educated, and learned the stiff manners of aristocracy. Because of this we can assume that they were quite dependent on their parents and their money. Once their parents became ill both sisters had to choose either fight of flight. Blanche was already a bit more domineering than Stella. She was a tough cookie, she fought. On the other side Stella was submissive and suppressive of emotions, she chose flight.

This was a clear turning point for both women. Each had issues with loss and abandonment/rejection.


I do not believe one character was stronger than the other and each had her own delusions. Stella's delusions are that everything is okay; she is in love with Stanly, being hit is no big deal, and Blanche is that same southern belle sister she left at Belle Reve. Blanche's delusions are of being wanted by men, she is young, and life is as lovely as the clothes she wears. Both sisters refuse reality. Even Stella's act of getting a psychiatric help for Blanche is ironic because she takes this measure as a way of giving into her own delusions of being safe with Stanly.

Stanly's character reminds me of Tom Buchanan in The Great Gatsby. They are very physically strong men with a "hulking" manor. Both command their household and assert their authority despite the delicate nature of the woman around them. Tom is described as "Two shining, arrogant eyes had established dominance over his face and gave him the appearance of always leaning aggressively forward...It was a body capable of enormous leverage-a cruel body. There was a touch of paternal contempt in [his voice], even toward people he liked." Stanly's body was also very dominating. Through the interactions during the poker nights Stanly's contemptuous way of speaking to his friends is clear. His body had leverage not only physically, but he had leverage over women because he was attractive. This leverage was played out through being able to attract/marry/stay with Stella. He also had leverage in the power struggle with Blanche. His body was proven most cruel when he raped Blanche.

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