Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Doll's House


"I have forgiven you."

This statement is so important for Tor to make. It has meaning on many different levels. Tor, as the paternalistic/chauvinistic man he is makes this statement as an expression of his power over Nora. He considers himself to be her guardian feels the need to forgive her as one would a child. The statement serves also as a biblical allusion. It could refer to the general theme of forgiveness in the Bible, but it could also refer to when the Lord Jesus was dying on the cross and said "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." By Tor using this statement of forgiveness to Nora for something she was not aware she needed forgiveness for, it shows that he sees himself as omnipotent and God-like. The statement is also very ironic because he is the one who needs forgiveness for his behavior toward Nora, his distrust and disrespect.

"I have forgiven you" is also a key moment for Nora. As soon as Tor makes this statement Nora goes through the door. This is symbolic of her moving from ignorance to knowledge. From this point forward she is able to think for herself and able to take action based off of those thoughts. The line "I have forgiven you" the climax of the play. From this line Ibsen is able to introduce the scandalous idea that women are people with great power and can take action.

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